Transigem of gemmotherapy Herbalgem is a complex that helps restore a regular intestinal transit.
Transigem: to regulate the intestinal transit A disrupted or slowed transit is common for many people and causes inconvenience in everyday life. Transigem of Herbalgem rebalances intestinal transit through the synergy of young leaves elderberry and rosemary.
The complex Transigem:
Cleans the intestine in depth and promotes the elimination of toxins
Acts effectively on constipation and bloating
Anti-inflammatory and stimulates the repair of the intestinal mucosa
Facilitates intestinal transit
The elder , filter system plant soil acts like a "garbage man" of the intestinal ecosystem.
The rosemary promotes all forms of elimination due to its positive influence on liver sphere.
The tincture of Celandine acts synergistically with rosemary and exerts anti-inflammatory action on the intestine.
The ginger extract promotes a smooth movement of the bowel muscles.
Adults: 5 to 15 Transigem drops per day, depending on the problem. Start with 5 drops and increase by 1 drop every day until you obtain a stable result.
Children up to 13 years: 3 to 8 drops per day, depending on the problem. Start with 3 drops and increase by 1 drop every day until you obtain a stable result.
Young leaves of black elder, young shoots of rosemary, ginger root, celandine, cinnamon flavor.
Idéal à utiliser a jeun pour un meilleur effet. Plus de douleurs d’estomac et de digestion.
Transigem (Complex Intestinal Transit)
Béatrice R.
55-65 years
A avoir dans sa pharmacie - tres bon produit
Transigem (Complex Intestinal Transit)
Noël V.
> 65 years
satisfait de votre envoi, j'envisage une nouvelle commande;
Transigem (Complex Intestinal Transit)
Félicien S.
> 65 years
pas assez de recul pour donner un avis valable
Transigem (Complex Intestinal Transit)
Claire C.
le top des plantes, plus cher mais bien plus efficaces que les extraits simples
Transigem (Complex Intestinal Transit)
Michel M.
> 65 years
Produit que je connais et utilise depuis longtemps
Transigem (Complex Intestinal Transit)
Armelle A.
55-65 years
Pourquoi obligez les gens a laisser des avis c'est penible
Transigem (Complex Intestinal Transit)
Brigitte E.
55-65 years
Répond tout à fait aux attentes
Transigem (Complex Intestinal Transit)
Pas convaincue et ce après un recul de plusieurs semaines (pas de régularité dans le retour du transit). Et ce avec une alimentation plus végétale qu'animale.
De meilleurs résultats avec du psyllium ou avec du magnésium marin.
Je vais essayer le complexe confort intestinal.
This website contains a significant amount of informations. It is not a medical website. The exempted reflections, cannot in no case to replace a consultation in a doctor or a therapeutist that it returns to you to contact for your follow-up.